Pass It On

You can receive free handmade items to help you encourage others. Get ideas on how to use your own God-given talents to make handmade items to be an encourager and then ask God how He wants you to… PASS IT ON

Monday, October 12, 2009

First Card

Here is the first card you can win. Read this and leave a comment. I'll pick a winner later in the week.


  1. Love the card, love the idea! Love that God answered your prayers and gave you a call.
    You are so talented!

  2. I don't want to be entered to win, since I have a hook-up and get all the free cards I want, I just wanted you to know how proud I am of you! Love you!

  3. Really nice job on the card. Great colors, and I love the butterfly.

  4. This is an awesome idea and a wonderful ministry...and a beautiful card! It is also a great reminder to reach out to people in our lives who are hurting whether we win your card or not.

  5. I love this idea! Receiving cards is such a special thing, espeically when you know there are prayers that come with them. I would love to be a part of your ministry!

  6. KROB! I love this!!! You have such a sweet heart. I have missed you. You need to come up to see Libby and swing over to Durham so I can get a hug.

  7. I love this idea! I love getting cards in the mail and hate that I am so bad at remembering to send them! Hopefully looking at this blog will help me remember! :)

  8. How cool, Krob! Way to go for asking and hearing and taking action.


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