Thank you all for the kind words and support from everyone. Your support for this new adventure has been wonderful.
Jackie you are the winner of the card posted Monday. You should receive it in your mail very soon.I have not heard from the last winner
lv2scpbk and do not know of another way to get in touch with her. If anyone knows her please ask her to send me her address. If I don't hear from her by the end of the week I'll pick another winner for that card.
I have
TWO people that have joined me in this ministry. I have listed their blogs on the top right sidebar of the blog. Check out their sites and you may win a card from them too. Welcome Di and Janet to PASS IT ON!
We invite anyone to join in the adventure. The blessings you receive from giving back is a very special feeling. But we can't do this alone we need
YOU. We have to get the word out to as many people as we can. We need people to open their hearts so the Lord can speak to you about who needs some words of support at just the right time. As only He can do. Let the Lord use you! You will never know how a small thing like a card with a personal message from you can make a HUGE difference in some one's day.
Also don't forget if you add the PASS IT ON button (located on the right sidebar) and/or have a post on your blog about PASS IT ON I'll send you a free card. Send me a note with the link so I will know to send you a card.
I'll post a new card later today. Until then let's get to work getting the word out! I am
always open for suggestions on what I can do to improve the blog and how to spread the word!
As I close what good is a blog post with out pictures... here is my picture of the day...

My beautiful family, the loves of my life.
Have a blessed day, Kathy