For everyone that answers these “Five Things of five things” I will mail you a handmade card!!
Post it in the comment sections here, or as a post on your blog or facebook just be sure to give me a link if you put it somewhere other than here in the comments.
5 things I am looking forward to
-Jordan coming home

-Traveling to Italy
-Traveling to Texas
-Seeing the Browns and Brocks this weekend
5 things I did this yesterday
-Bought this fabric to make new curtains for small bath

-Can you tell I went shopping?
5 Things I wish I could do
-Sleep better, or never need to sleep
-Be able to see all my children everyday
-Read minds
-Blink my eyes and get wherever I am going because I hate to ride in a car.
5 Places I plan to or I would like to travel:
-Italy (going in Sept.)
5 Cute things I've found online lately
-The Pleated Poppy
-Hawthorne threads
-The Pioneer Woman
-Peachy Cheap
-This on Etsy