Pass It On

You can receive free handmade items to help you encourage others. Get ideas on how to use your own God-given talents to make handmade items to be an encourager and then ask God how He wants you to… PASS IT ON

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Operation Write Home

As many of you know I have a son in the USAF deployed to the Middle East. Because of that and other reasons I have a passion for Operation Write Home. We are a group of cardmakers that make cards for the military that are away from home. These are blank cards we make for them to send back home to their loved ones. So needless to say I am very excited there is a new blog with updates, information and challenges for the OWH cardmakers. This is our first challenge.... Make a card from this pattern.
These are the cards I made for the challenge. I made two that are a little different. But these and more will mailed off to OWH soon. Enjoy! If you want to see more look here.

A last note of joy we are hoping for snow in my little part of the world this weekend. Wish us well. Kathy

Baby Girl Bedding

I am so excited I have finished my big project. I have just a few sneak pictures. This is what my dining room table looks like right now. It is full with sweet baby girl bedding that I made. Boy was it a project!! The first three pictures is the bedding for her crib. The last one is for her cradle that will be in the living room. It is all waiting to be packed up and taken to her new home. You can see other parts of her nursery here. We are getting very excited and ready to hold and love on our sweet new granddaughter.
Sabrina you were right so I am mailing you a special Valentine card.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Be back soon... But show God's love

Just a quick note, I'll be away from the blog for a few more days. I have a BIG project I am in the middle of and need to finish. Be back as soon as possible. (Maybe with pictures of what I'm up to.) Want to guess??
Maybe a free card for anyone that gets it correct!

Show someone that you love the Lord with all you heart.
Leave me a comment on how that works out for you. There also maybe a free card in it for you.
Love you all and thank you for you support.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How Great Is Our God

How great is our God!! There are really no other words that can top that!

Someone in your life needs to know right now that our merciful, Almighty God loves them no matter what they have done. It is our job to tell them. This is one very small way to pass on the love of our Lord.

Leave a comment here and the drawing will be Friday.

As always if you are unfamiliar with the mission of Pass It On read it here.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Two special ladies get cards!!

cgl1539 said
"I would send this to my ex sister in law. She is such a wonderful person who has had such a hard life. She recently took in her niece and nephew so that they would have a better life. Its put her and her family under strain but they have all put forth the effort to make life better for two kids who always had nothing."


Ms. Jen said...
Thank you so much for this post! My pain has been difficult to say the least this week. And as it happens it sometimes makes me question if God is out there..... This post and song has me in tears. But in a good way. I'm so glad you are out there because some days I really feel alone with this.

God Bless Pookeybears sister. I'll pray for her. "

Thank you ladies for your support and love. I am sending you both a card. Email me your mailing address and I'll get that to you.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hold Me Jesus

I am a breast cancer survivor, have fibromyalgia and a few other health difficulties. Because of that I have been through many surgeries, chemo, lots of medication and still have my share of pain. I have had many days when I knew I was about to face some medical test, treatment, or just waiting on test results that I didn't think I could stand much more.

Music is a big part of our family. Often a song will speak to me so deeply I feel like it is the voice of my Lord.
One such song is an older song by Rich Mullens, "Hold Me Jesus" and on many occasions it has has been my "theme song". So when I got this stamp in a set I knew I would use it often.

I am sure there are many people that feel the same way. Who would the Lord have you send this card to offer them comfort in their storm?

Just leave your comments here and I will post the winner on Monday, January 18.
The mission of Pass It On is here.
Be a blessing to someone today.

Pookeybear AKA Dawn W.

Pookeybear said...
What a beautiful card. I would love to win this so I could pass it on to my sister who on Christmas day told me that her breast cancer has returned. Dawn W

Thank you for the sweet comment. Please tell your sister she is in our prayers.

Email me your mailing address and I'll get this card to you.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

The card of the week.

Sometime when I make card or scrapbook I have more fun with some than with others. I think that is with anything. But I just wanted to say I had so much fun making this card. I hope you have fun sending it.

I'll draw a winner Friday.

Leave you comments on this post for the chance to win this card.
I hope this is the start to a super great week for you.


Christina, thank you for your support you have been there from my first post. This card will be in the mail to you Monday morning. You and your family are always a blessing to us, thank you for that too.

I'll have a new card posted in the morning.

Good Night, Kathy

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Love cards

With Valentine’s Day coming up I have been thinking about love, the people I love and how important it is to tell them EVERYDAY that we love them. I hope you feel the same way.

Here is a card that will help you do just that. I purposely did not put anything about “Valentine’s Day” on it so you can use it before or even after the big love day.

Wouldn’t it be nice to send a card to someone who is having a hard time right now and needs to know they are loved? Or send some love to a family member you haven’t talked to in a long time but you want them to know they touched you life in a very positive way.
There are many people you need to tell that you love them.
Leave a comment and tell me who you would send the card too and share some of your story if you feel comfortable. It’s ok if you don’t. Just leave your comment to be in the drawing.

I have gotten off of my schedule of posting on Monday and drawing a winner on Friday because if the holidays. Sorry!! I’ll pick a winner Sunday Jan 10, then post a new card Monday, Jan 11. We will then be back in line. Hope you are having a great night.


The Daily Marker

You should take a few minutes and look at this blog. She has some super yummy cards. And this week she has great blog candy for some very lucky winner.
The Daily Marker

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mclaughfam is a winner!!

mclaughfam is the winner of the card, from this post

This was the comment mclaughfam left...
"I love the idea of using tags like this. Cool use of stamping on them too! Have a great day!"

Mclaughfam email me your mailing address and you will have this to your mailbox for you to use to cheer someone up.

Be back very soon with more goodies. Night Kathy