Pass It On

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Do you hear all the wedding bells??

I know it has been forever since I have updated and given you sweet people any cards to pass on but it has been such a busy summer.

I have been so very blessed to be able to send many days with these sweet little faces.

But it is still never enough time with them!! I want them back as soon as they go home.

The two older ones have started back to school so our days will be only weekends now for a while.

We are getting ready to get not one but TWO new daughters-in-law around here. We have loved these girls for many years and now they are going to be real members of our growing family.

Both wedding are going to be so special and in special places But I am going to tell you about one wedding at a time.
I have been busy making shower invitations, wedding invitations and special reception invitations. Maybe I’ll post some pictures when all is over.

The first wedding is so soon that this week we all will be flying out for the private ceremony in Cinque Terre, Italy!!! We are excited to say the least.
This is my very handsome son and his beautiful soon to be bride.
Heavens we love her. Is she not just the prettiest little thing?

Well I need to work on the packing situation so that is all I have for you now but I wanted to tell everyone hello and let you know what I’ve been up to.
I’ll have more about the second wedding and pictures from the first wedding very soon.

Don’t forget to help make someone feel better and have a better day by encouraging them in some small way.
