Pass It On

You can receive free handmade items to help you encourage others. Get ideas on how to use your own God-given talents to make handmade items to be an encourager and then ask God how He wants you to… PASS IT ON

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Bloghop for OWH

Welcome to the next stop on the Memorial Day Bloghop for OWH.

Some of my favorite holidays are the ones that no gifts are involved. Memorial Day falls in that category. If is about family, long weekends and celebrating our wonderful USA.

Before I was a military Mom I loved my country but that has a whole new meaning to me now that I have a son that works daily protecting our freedom.
He just returned home from his 2nd deployment. He is well, safe and back on a base in the States. That makes me one happy Mama.

He is the reason I make cards for OWH. Need I say more? Thank you to him and all the other many, many men and women just like him all over the world.

This is my card for this blog hop.

This is over 100 cards that I have ready to mail to OWH. The last blog hop I told you for every comment left I would make a card for OWH. It took me a while but here they are.

I will do the same for this hop. So start leaving those comments.
I will also pick two random winners on Tuesday, June 1 for these really cute stamps.
Then YOU can start making cards for OWH too!!

The next stop on the hop is

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A littel note

Leave me a comment and you may be the winner of this cute little card to send and cheer up someone you care about. I'll pick a winner on Friday.
Have a good afternoon.
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Flowers from paper???

Courtney ask me if I made the flowers from paper... Yes I did and now it is yours.
Send me you mailing address.
Thanks Courtney for helping Pass It On.
More cards to follow soon.
Good night.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thinking Of You

I got the sweetest email from someone I don't know that was reading my blog and ask me if she could send ME a card. How wonderful is that???
My mailbox is not going to know how to work on receiving the mail and not sending it out to one of you wonderful blog reader.
Thank you Melissa you made my day!!
Here is a new card for you to win and send to someone special to you.
Have a great night.

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Friday, May 14, 2010

A reminder to you and me of why we have PASS IT ON

I am a SAHW/M (Stay at home wife and Mom) with a big focus on the STAY AT HOME because of several health problems that have become worse the past few years.
I love being a wife to the most wonderful husband anyone could ever ask for and children that are a blessing sent from God. But my husband works all day and my children are grown adults now with a life of there own.

I have always been taught that the Lord gives you gifts, talents and jobs to do to bring glory to His name. I worked with children for many years and know that was a gift the Lord gave me. But because of my health I can no longer do that.

I also believe that the Lord does not close a door without opening a window.
So I did some soul searching to find out what my open window was and
that is how PASS IT ON was born.

This is how PASS IT ON works…I design and create handmade cards that I post on my PASS IT ON blog. I post a card you leave comment. Some days there may be one comment some days there are 100 comments. But from those comments I use to pick a winner. I mail you the card absolutely free.

I mail you the blank card asking only one thing. That you open your heart to the Lord to know who He would have you send that card to… who needs an encouraging word? Who needs to know they are loved? Who need to know they were thought of and prayed for today?

There is a whole world out there that needs to know WE love Jesus and that Jesus loves them.

I know it is a small think, I know it is a VERY small thing but who said God can’t use small things??

Will you help me PASS IT ON?

I know I have been away from the blog for a few weeks but I am back and this reminder is as much for me (if not more) as it is for you.

Thank you for you prayers, support and participation.

See you very soon with new cards for you to Pass It On,